Legal information

The cost of services, the procedure for payment and refund of funds

The cost of services, the procedure for payment and refund of funds

The total cost of services rendered to the User under this Agreement is the total amount of Courses paid by the User.

The cost of a specific Course is determined by the Contractor in the Course Program, which is posted on the Contractor's Website or is reported by the manager of the Contractor's company personally to the client.

The cost of the Services provided by this Agreement is paid by the User in a non-cash form, by transfer to the Contractor's current account or by means of payment on the website.

The Contractor has the right not to refund the funds paid by the User for training if the User has listened to more than one lesson of the Course and refused the Services.

In case of early termination of the Contract on the initiative of the Contractor, the Contractor returns the funds only for those classes of the Course that were not conducted by the Contractor. The Course classes held in this case are not compensated.

If the User refuses to study before the start of the Course, the Contractor returns the paid advance in full. In case of payment of the entire amount — 100% of the Contract value, the User is refunded funds in the amount of 90% of the funds paid.

The amount of payment is set for the entire duration of the Course and cannot be changed.