Legal information

User agreement

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) in accordance with the provisions of ZRU—547-son 02.07.2019. About personal data is the offer of Codemoon LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Administration), regulates the relationship between the User and the Administration of the codemoon (hereinafter referred to as the Site), the copyright holder of which is Ilina Alexandra Viktorovna, and is addressed to any capable person (hereinafter referred to as the User) on the terms set out below.

Unconditional and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) The User of the terms of this Agreement is registration and /or authorization, including through the User's account in the social network.

Terms and definitions

Account — the User's account on the Site


The course is informational materials designed in the form of web pages, including copyrighted text content, images, presentations, video and audio materials, graphic and other elements that are the results of intellectual activity, copyrights to which belong to Codemoon LLC and are registered in accordance with the procedure established by law. After paying for a non-exclusive license, the User gets the right to access the paid Course for its subsequent self-study.

Lecture (online lecture) is a separate part of the Course, which is the result of intellectual activity, the copyright to which belongs to Ilina Alexandra Viktorovna and is registered in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Personal account is a section of the Site through which the User can view all his subscriptions, courses paid for by him, lectures and terms of access to them.

The User is an individual who has reached the age of majority according to the legislation of the country of which he is a citizen; who has passed the registration procedure on the Site by filling out the appropriate registration form and / or authorization through an account in social networks.

Website is an Internet resource of the Administration located at

1. Subject

1.1. The Administration grants the User a non-exclusive license to use the Course and/or Lecture.

1.2. A non-exclusive license is granted to the User online, taking into account the following terms of this Agreement, for self-study using the User's technical means.

1.3. The non-exclusive license is limited to the "right to use", and none of the provisions of the Agreement means the transfer to the User of the exclusive right to Courses and / or Lectures.

1.4. A non-exclusive license is granted for the duration of the Agreement on the territory of the whole world without the right to issue sublicenses.

2. General provisions

2.1. The User undertakes to comply with the terms of this Agreement from the moment of the first access to the Site.

2.2. User registration is carried out through social network accounts.

2.3. Registration / authorization of the User gives him the opportunity to use his personal account, which reflects all the User's subscriptions, lectures paid for by him and the terms of access to them.

3. Cost

3.1. The User's access to the full course of lectures posted on the Website is provided only after full payment of the cost of a non-exclusive license for the right to use the Course and/or online lectures in a special form of online payment via a secure connection in the User's personal account provided by the payment service provider Uzum.

3.2. The cost of a non-exclusive license for the right to use the Course is indicated on the Website located on the Internet at the codemoon

3.3. The User, at his discretion, has the right to purchase a non-exclusive license for the right to use individual online lectures. The cost of a non-exclusive license for the right to use online lectures is indicated on the Website located on the Internet at the codemoon

3.4. Course Cost/Online lectures are a license fee and are paid by the User as a one-time payment in full. The license fee is not subject to VAT.

3.5. A non-exclusive license for the right to use the Course and /or online lectures is granted to the User from the moment the funds are credited to the Administration account.

3.6. The validity period of the non-exclusive license for the Course is limited to a time interval equal to 2 (two) years. The Administration does not guarantee the User the possibility of using the Course after 2 (two) years from the date of purchase of the Course. The Administration also does not guarantee the User access to the Course in case of changes in the terms of this Agreement and/or changes in the concept and/or rules for granting a non-exclusive license for the Course.

The Administration has the right to terminate/suspend the operation of the Website at any time and, as a result, terminate / suspend access to the Course without explanation.

3.7. The use of the Course is not limited to geographical space.

4. Intellectual property

4.1. Copyrights both for the full Course and/ or online lecture, and for their individual parts, are protected by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the norms of international law.

4.2. The Site Administration pays special attention to compliance with copyright law, and therefore informs the User that copyrights in relation to Courses, online lectures, other information posted on the Site, links to other Internet resources and descriptions of these resources, any trademarks, trademarks and names of goods, services and organizations, design rights, copyrights and related rights that are mentioned, used or quoted in articles, publications, etc., belong to their rightful owners. The User is not granted any rights with respect to any of the above copyright and related rights.

4.3. The User does not have the right to transfer a non-exclusive license for the right to use the Course and/or online lectures to third parties, as well as to copy and/ or post the Course and/ or online lecture and/ or parts thereof on third-party resources, both freely and in limited access.

5. Terms of Use. Responsibility

5.1. The Administration has the right to refuse access to the Site to any User or group of Users without explaining the reasons for their actions and prior notification. The Administration reserves the right, at its discretion, to take such measures as, in the opinion of the Administration, are reasonably necessary or appropriate to enforce and/or verify compliance with the part of this Agreement concerning compliance with copyright.

5.2. The User undertakes not to modify, distribute, modify, copy or transfer to third parties the Courses and/or online lectures and/or parts thereof provided on the Website in any form.

5.3. The User is strictly prohibited from transferring to third parties access to the personal account, as well as to Courses, online lectures paid for by him and available for study.

5.4. Violation by the User of this condition of the Agreement gives the Administration grounds for deleting, without the right to restore, his account from the Site and prohibiting access to the purchased lectures, as well as collecting from the User all damages caused to the Administration.

5.5. The use of Courses, online lectures provided on the Site, both free of charge and for a fee, in violation of the terms of this Agreement, as well as violation of rights, including intellectual property rights, copyright and related rights of the Administration, its partners and other third parties, is strictly prohibited and may result in administrative, civil and/or criminal liability.

6. Personal data

6.1. The Website processes the User's personal data in order to fulfill the Agreement in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Law "On Personal Data" dated 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ and the Pan-European Regulation on Personal Data (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR).

6.2. The procedure for processing and protection of personal data is determined by the Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy located at

6.3. In the process of receiving payment for the use of the Course (online lecture) The site can automatically receive additional information, including, but not limited to, the transaction number, the type and expiration date of the payment card used for payment, as well as the last 4 digits of the card number. Detailed financial information is collected, processed and stored by a third-party payment service provider Uzum and in accordance with the terms of the contract concluded by it with the User.

7. Final provisions

7.1. Access to the Site is provided on an "as is" basis. The Site Administration does not guarantee of any kind, both direct and indirect, the operability of the Site and its individual sections, as well as the operability and reliability of links posted on the Site. The Administration is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses that occurred due to the use and /or inability to use the Site.

7.2. The Administration does not provide the User with additional services, including, but not limited to, consulting, technical support, etc.

7.3. All possible disputes under this Agreement are resolved in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the norms of international law.

7.4. This Agreement may be amended and/or supplemented at the discretion of the Administration without prior notice to the User.

7.5. The current version of the Agreement is always posted on the Website at

7.6. The Site is accessible at the above address, as well as at other addresses from which access to the Site can be made, and includes all domains and elements of the specified Site.